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SRT Exercise - 64

Below is a situation for SRT (Situation Reaction Test) exercise of SSB Psychology test

He was appointed Capt. of basketball team but other players revolted against his appointment. He...

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  1. He will try to convince them by hearing from them why they are against him and will solve the misunderstanding among them

  2. First , I will try to convince the team by making believe on my captain sheep and experience in field of playing.and try to find out problem on my captain sheep and solve it.

  3. He worked very hard to prove that he was a capable captain to his opposition teammate.

  4. Firstly he will ask why they don't want him as captain and try to improve that thing

  5. Convene them, practice
    and won the match

  6. Proved his worth as an efficient planner and excellent player and got support of all.

  7. He convince them to led him a match. In this match he prove his leading capability by winning the match. All teammates now happy to find him as their captain

  8. Proved himself by giving his best,won the match


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