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SRT Exercise - 33

Below is a situation for SRT (Situation Reaction Test) exercise of SSB Psychology test

He was asked to organize a picnic to a nearby historical place. He...

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  1. He made a budget regarding their stay, travel and food. Discussed with others and after approval made the arrangements according to the plan

    1. Fix the spot , prepare an info booklet about the site , finalize the travel and food with the help of the group , create games , guide, enjoy the picnic

  2. He prepares the schedule of the picnic and confirms it with others and then he goes ahead as per the schedule.

  3. Find a nearby historical place and discuss with all friend, then arrange a picnic

  4. Firstly make a budget then discussion about travel ,stay and other thing that we need and required in picnic

  5. make participants list, decide venue, make budget, events, assign volunteers with duties.


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