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SRT Exercise - 23

Below is a situation for SRT (Situation Reaction Test) exercise of SSB Psychology test

His fast friend has got into bad company. He...

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  1. Met his friend, told him about his wrong company, friend understood, again became good friends

  2. Make him realise the bad deeds he is pursuing, with the help of his family, made him to renounce their company

  3. He speak with his friend, make him reliase about the bad deeds, realise his goal also met with those boys and threatened them to not meet with his friend

  4. He has to call him , first listen why his friend is doing so, then find solution for him and try to make him understand that it will destroy your future and make him convince in a friendly manner

  5. Strictly make him understand the wrong company, convince him , bring him back on the right path

  6. He will tell him facts about that company and rest choice is of his friend but he will always with him

  7. He will try to make his friend understand about the wrong company and if required will take help of his parents too.

  8. Talk to him, inform his family, take him to a counsellor or rehabilitation centre and bring him back to normal life.

  9. Aware him about the wrong path owned by him and convenced him, later on his friend come back to right path.


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